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July 2, 2024

2 Possibilities For DevOps In The Future

possiblities for DevSecOps in the Future

Have you ever wondered what will happen to the so-much hype about DevOps in the later period? What if DevOps culture faces a low interest in the future? Or it is overtaken by some better technological revolution in some years? Let’s say in near about 10-15 years, will DevOps successfully remain in the lead and gain the same demand by the people across the world as it is leveraging today? Let’s first look into the journey of DevOps till now.

DevOps 1.0:

This first version of DevOps culture came with a drastic transformation in the organizational working environment that faced disbalance regarding the miscommunications between the development teams and operations teams – the core members essential for software development processes. It became a bridge between the year-long gap that continued between Devs and Ops team, along with focusing on the quality analysis of the software application. However, this version lacked in other core tasks of the business, namely the continuous delivery and stability of the application infrastructure. As such, another version of the DevOps culture was introduced in the market to fill in the incompleteness.

DevOps 2.0:

The internal team requirement, as well as external customer needs, is effectively looked into with the evolution of this version of DevOps. DevOps 2.0 concentrates on critical business tasks such as CD, flexibility and stability of infrastructure networking. It offers high scalability, quick delivery time, customer-centric deployments, etc., that help both the teams and users, thereby maintaining an active link and communication. Also, it not only ensures a better collaboration between technical teams but also focuses on better coordination of the technical and non-technical teams in an organization.

These developments, over time, have offered DevOps a better position in the industrial landscape where it enjoys huge demand and usage. No wonder DevSecOps has earned huge acclamation until now, but what are the possibilities of it to continue offering solutions to the changing industrial sector. Let’s explore the two chances.

A negative landscape for DevOps:

As newer technologies are coming into the market, there is scope for alternative solutions. Automation is a mainstream topic and with the advent of artificial intelligence, there is a new set of people who are ready to explore the power of robotics into business works. As such, It might lose its spark after a certain period of time unless it polishes its practices as per the changing demand of the industry.

DevOps is known for its agile methodology that helps accomplish business tasks effectively at a much less time with quality software applications delivered to the users. However, for an organization to gain profits, there is also the need for better security into software application projects lest it will experience the threat of cybercrimes. The pain point in DevOps culture is that it compromises security while concentrating on offering speedy solutions to the customers. In time, if this problem is not recovered or any other approach introduces the combined collaboration in software development, DevOps’ set of practices will experience a downfall.

Hike in DevOps establishment in the whole organization:

Now, what are the possibilities of DevOps to continue to experience growth in future years? There is a bright future for DevSecOps. Although it is an adolescent concept, it has gained prominence in the last few years. As such, there is more scope for this organizational culture to spread its root deep in the soil of the industrial field.

An important aspect remains the close coordination between cloud technology and DevOps culture. This collaboration fulfills various business requirements like agility in task performance (build, stage, deploy, manage software applications), continuous quality delivery, better customer feedback, and incorporation of the latest technological changes. It creates a better scope for DevOps to establish itself maturely in the long run. Moreover, the demand for cloud networking is growing large, which will simultaneously influence the DevOps demands over the years.

Do you know BSA Global reported that cloud computing will account for nearly 60% of the IT market growth by 2020?

Apart from this, DevOps has entered into a collaboration with other business aspects like security management as DevSecOps and quality assurance as DevQAOps. Also, as It has evolved with two versions – 1.0 and 2.0 – it will evolve with the changing industrial demands in the future years.

So if you are thinking about adopting DevOps for your business or include into your to-do skill enhancement, you can get assess these two possibilities and move on with the better possibilities. And at the end of the day, DevSecOps is a better choice and will prove to be the most adopted practice in business organizations.

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