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June 21, 2024

9 Top Graphic Design Trends in 2020

In 2020 the graphic design trends are likely to be harmonious, reserved, and natural. It is a field of admiration and inspiration. It is the beginning of a new decade, and graphic design will reach new heights to define and characterize the present times.

Graphic Design Trends 2020 are:

1. 3D depth and realism

The 3D trend was at a peak in 2019 and will continue on the strength of modern technology and software capabilities, becoming awesome and more creative. There is a possibility of designers combining it with other realities, like photos and two-dimensional objects.

2. Going monochrome

Since 2019 there is a tendency of graphic and web designers to use monochromatic color effects on pictures. The trend has evolved and also simplified. The monochrome color filter is extensively used on photos or partial elements in compositions.

3. Shiny metals

The use of metallic materials in designs today has established a trend for branding identity and better product design. It requires a minimalist design, and the focus is on the metallic effect. The use of gold is popular and defines a luxury, class, and a refined taste. The metallic effect can be achieved by using shiny surfaces on matte surfaces in any color and in order to be more impressive, branding specialists often combine this trend with relief engraving to create a brand identity.

4. Typography 

A trend that is expected to flourish literally is typography that can create innovative and modern compositions, with the decoration of beautiful flowers, exotic geometric shapes, and creative elements. It attracts a great deal of attention. The maxi typography and artistic typography will create an impression and a buzz and here will be much visibility of it. 

Additionally, it will be thick and Heavy fonts and lettering will be much in use. Also, the letters will be huge, and bold. Another trend will be the creation of 3d objects with words like cubes, and stairs, and more. There will be Semi-transparency. The double typography where the second copy will be transparent or semi-transparent typography will gain popularity.

5. Image and text masking

Image and text masking an old technique in the design world is an example through its mysterious and minimalist look. In 2020, many designers will keep creating compositions using image and text masking, extensively to achieve a good impact.

 6. Line art

The trend using outline typography and elements is evolving today into fully illustrated and animated patterns of line art. It is a schematic and simple illustration style that is good to convey concepts and ideas. It appears clean, and elegant, besides being unobtrusive.

7. Collages of drawings and photos

This is an interesting and creative trend that reminds us of the past drawings made on notebooks while studying in the school, (doodling). Doodling presently is a big hit seen on designs on the web. Additionally, it helps to achieve handcrafted, informal, personalized, and fun results.

8. Intense minimalism

The trend building over the last few years is of minimalist, flat designs. The marketing has a quest for transparency and honesty, and the new design will do away with extra flair and embellishment making the way for a simple, straightforward presentation. The flat design, involving simplicity, primary colors, and two-dimensional illustrations will grow and become popular. Here the users will quickly interact with interfaces, and find the desired content. Moreover, they are more user-friendly also. It helps graphic designers and provides a powerful tool to help people get the design they deserve.

9. Street art styles

Graffiti and street art techniques add a retro appeal and are likely to stage an average comeback. It is of particular help to the new learners who are keen to achieve a name for themselves. Its ethos fits well with modern times and pleases the aesthetic also. It has an inherent edginess and represents a movement of jubilance and freedom, associated with breaking bonds and protests. The trend is perfectly aesthetic giving a feeling of shaping the future.


2020 will be an ensemble of various elements coming together and creating a blend of the best features of the past and the future. There will be a mixing of the geometric and the organic, plus the artificial and the real. The mood and momentum will be sustained in the coming years based on the choices and preferences of graphic designers around the world.

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