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May 20, 2024

The Guide to become an iOS Developer in 2020

Many companies today believe in mobile applications, and as a result, iOS developers are in high demand. There are several entry-level vacancies and in general, there is a lack of talent that drives higher salaries. By being an iOS developer a person is able to build something he/she can be proud of. It calls for great commitment and effort.

Demand for iOS developers
There is currently a big demand for iOS app developers and many companies agree to pay them a huge salary. For iOS developers, the average annual salary is $83, 671. It’s $68,000 for individuals with one year of experience. The language of Swift programming is highly effective, and so far. Since Apple launched the App Store in 2008 more than 2,000,000 iOS developer jobs have been developed.

Without the fear of contradiction, we can safely say apps don’t go away. An Appinventiv article mentions that the number of downloads to the app will reach 353 billion by 2021. In addition, Apple launches several new products and apps annually, and there’s still a strong interest in iOS.

The skills you need to get an iOS job
Skills development, as an iOS developer, is never-ending. Apple is bringing in new frameworks and versions. In addition to this, new libraries and utilities from third parties are promoting iOS development in a big way.

The tools change and the core skills of the person have to be strong.  

  1. Xcode
    This is popular and widely used for iOS app development. It has many deep features and learning of the advanced debugging features.
  2. Swift programming language
    Apple is moving forward with Swift, and it is important to start learning Swift instead as an iOS developer.
  3. Building User Interfaces
    It’s incredibly necessary to learn how to put together a good user interface. There are several ways to build apps’ UIs, such as using Apple’s own tutorials, programmatically building the UI, or adopting SwiftUI.
  4. Integrating design assets
    A good iOS developer must define the design elements which require a graphical asset to be used. A professional iOS developer needs to design and build customized controls for standard UIKit elements
  5. Networking and Working with APIs
    Be familiar with JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), since when operating with third-party APIs and data feeds it is the popular data format. Knowing Apple networking classes (URLSession) and such networking libraries as Alamofire is essential.
  6. Grand Central Dispatch
    The iOS developers need to know about Grand Central Dispatch. Understanding GCD and how iOS competition operates under the hood will prove expertise as an iOS developer.
  7. Working with Databases
    There are different database options and knowing some of them like MongoDB, Firebase and Realm will be helpful.
  8. Working with third-party libraries
    The use of third-party libraries that are time-tested and consistently updated and well maintained can speed up the development cycle in a big way. This requires knowing how to integrate software development kits and libraries into Xcode project using Cocoapods
  9. Unit Testing
    This activity is important. Multiple developers are submitting code into the project leading to breaking some functionality. This will also help in discovering the broken functionality. Aspirants must make sure to know to write a test case.
  10.  Source Control and other team tools
    The present environment requires Team collaboration and it is important to know git commands and have GitHub and BitBucket as skills.
  1.  Design Patterns
    Design patterns are the best software development practices and are extremely useful in all languages. They need brushing up.

    Choosing the business to function as an iOS developer is decided by the salary, a mentoring atmosphere, and potential growth opportunities. The other considerations are a practical deadline for a project, good leaders and mentors, and the involvement of experienced developers from whom one can know. It will bring out the best of vibrant and positive team culture. Could work wonders when the team is supportive.

Some more details –
• Look into Specialization whether the company is into Gaming or e-commerce and match it with expertise interests and the current skill set.

• A company must offer many opportunities to the employees to progress in their career.

• Look for workplaces that assure many learning opportunities

• Seek companies that provide plenty of learning development opportunities and arrange for training or conferences.

• Work-life balance, and healthy workplace culture, enhances the performance and all the developers thrive when a company has the above-mentioned traits.
• There is a great importance of strategic, sympathetic, and visionary leadership in an organization.


The creation of the best and best-performing apps requires effective
collaboration and teamwork. Though the emerging markets demonstrate that android developers are gaining more confidence, iOS, in terms of quality is still the market leader. Irrespective of which operating system you
choose, you should study dynamics of the work and you can become a
successful developer and progress in life by using all of the tips mentioned

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